Thursday, May 14, 2009


Could anyone tell me why strip clubs are springing up in nooks and crannies of a large number of African cities including Durban, Johannesburg, Pretoria, Lagos, Abuja, Nairobi, Addis Ababa and so on?. Some Africans, both young and old, now feels that they’ve got the right to watch naked women on stage, just like they’ve got the right to have sex in the brothels. To them, anyone who’s not going to patronize the brothels or strip clubs in the cities these days ain’t know what’s up ‘cos they’ll insist that every African man whether rich or poor, is a voyeur and cannot hold or manage his urge for serious seductive entertainment. Well, I am not surprised ‘cos the western media, have toiled for decades to achieve this and here they are. They’ve got to pat themselves on the back and yell, “congratulation; yeah the monkey’s just got the signals; yeah!!” Brothers and sisters, isn’t this globalization. Globalization in Africa is here to stay, may be; it’s here to spread hunger, poverty, effects of the global meltdown, condoms which are not beings used, promiscuity, homosexuality and strip clubbing or perhaps, that’s what the African man is able to grab from the entire scope of the phenomenon known as globalization. Globalization as we know it; has economic, technological, socio-cultural and political dimensions, hence the reduction and removal of barriers through globalization is supposed to facilitate the process of industrialization, promote trade, reduce hunger, spread positive innovations and ideas; as a result, it’s supposed to spread the idea of mutual existence and peace throughout the developing world. But then the proponents of this one- sided globalization in Africa which is incidentally the western media, especially Hollywood which is busy propagating absurd ideas in the form of strip clubs, gay right activism, and gangsterism. Yet the average African man is still broke, hungry and exhausted. However, the hungry African, no matter how hungry, would still desire these absurd things of life cos they’ve been brainwashed to believe and even prove that it’s necessary, and they sheepishly visit strip clubs and brothels with the few cents in their pocket and when they’ve been aroused, they indulge in sex without condoms and they spread Aids, to other people, their wives and their children and yet they remain impoverished and poor. Every motherfucker, in Africa, had better known that we’ve got more pressing needs. Hope they are not too dumb to know that Africa is rife with corruption, bad governance, illiteracy, joblessness, insecurity, malnutrition, Aids and so on. These scourges should be dealt with and addressed in a serious manner. If the time, devoted to the propagation of absurd stuffs like strip clubbing, pornography, and visits to brothels is diverted to the fight against the world scourges, then Africa will be a better place. According to the World Bank (2002) when other continents are reaping the benefits of globalization which has been assessed by the percentage of people who live on more than a dollar a day. Africa in experiencing a reverse. First, the number of people who live on less than I dollar a day increased by 5.77% while the no of people who live on less than 2 dollars a day increased by 2:2%. The poor African, will say “how do we stand to gain if you close up all the strip clubs, we’ll get no shows and we’ll still be broke. Brother, that’ll make you to refocus your mind and work towards, your goal. Brother you’ll work harder and you’ll devote more time to your wife and your family, you’ll take advice and you’ll progress. Final.
This article has not for a second said that we should deglobalize Africa. Deglobalization isn’t necessary ‘cos of the positive attributes of globalization, but then, we’ve got to deglobalize parts of the socio-cultural environment which is being annihilated by scenes from the western media and cultural globalization. We’ve got to sieve-off parts of the global media which perpetuates immorality, promiscuity and libertinism. Unfortunately, these are the hallmarks of the western media and Hollywood. The earlier, the better. We should not allow this to be fully entrenched into our minds and lives that it becomes normal pastimes; my brothers!. According to the wikipedia’s articles on globalization, “cultural transformation and spreading of multiculturalism, supplants local cultures some of which uphold positive virtues”. This phenomenon should therefore be monitored by relevant governments and agencies. When a culture receives outside influences, the right thing to do is to ignore the irrelevant influences and adopt others (Erla Zwingle). This fact should he embraced by African countries as a whole; especially South Africa and Nigeria where strip clubbing is becoming a normal pastime. Other African Countries should take a leaf out of Ethiopia’s example. The government of Ethiopia started this fight in 2003 by cracking down on all existing strip clubs and arresting customers, staff and management in several articulated raids. Other continents are improving industrially and economically as a result of globalization, but Africa is regressing from its previous standing (World Bank, 2002). If there should be industrial and economic emancipation in sub-Saharan Africa, it will be spearheaded by disciplined and sane minded individuals who will embrace positive virtues from all parts of the globe and as well; sieve-off negative ideas which normally side tracks a focused and disciplinal mind. To protect our cultural integrity, African countries should deglobalize fundamental aspects of their socio-cultural sectors through stringent measures and public enlightenment; which will major on the demerits of promiscuity, strip clubbing, homosexuality and lesbianism. These trends are always connected to the growing HIV and Aids, problem in Africa
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Thursday, March 12, 2009

Life is better without pornography

To a large number of Africans pornography is in vogue; nonetheless, it could be likened to a global epidemic which can easily be countered by a mature, principled and well meaning mind. Pornography has psychological, ethical, moral, social and spiritual dimensions which should be addressed and countered personally or through assistance by well meaning individuals and governments.

Assessments have shown that the rate of proliferation of pornography is equivalent to the rate of its effects which includes violence, rape, other sexual crimes and psychological problems. Also, crime, murder and pornography are related. Incidentally, these deeds attack the dignity of man.

Nevertheless, several individuals continues to assume that viewing pornography is just a normal pastime which does not have any negative implications, but several research works and assessments by sociologists and psychologists have proven its unhealthy and catastrophic effects on the normal human mind. These findings includes the work of Charles Keating of citizens for decency through law which reveals that 77% of child molesters of boys and 87% of child molesters of girls admitted imitating sexual behaviour they had seen modeled in pornography. Also, two sociologists in the United States: Murray and Baron of University of New Hampshire found that rape rates are highest in states which have high sales of sex magazines. Diana Russell in her book on rape and marriage inferred that pornography leads men and women to experience conflict, suffering and sexual dissatisfaction. In the same vein, Zimmerman and Byrant (in the forerunner) concluded after a comprehensive research that continued exposure to pornography has a serious adverse effect on belief about sexuality in general and on attitude towards women in particular. They also discovered that pornography tends to justify rape which is incidentally a criminal offence.

Absurd, vulgar and nerve breaking behaviours are exhibited on pornographic materials. These materials display rape, masturbation, sex with objects and animals, paedophilia, brutality and other acts of wickedness against children, sexual victims and even willful participants. Viewing these ruinous and self destructive behaviors is exasperating and harmful to our psychological health. Matter of factly, the increase in the rate of practice of homosexuality/lesbianism and even bestiality among youths and kids, in Africa is easily attributable to pornography.

As hitherto stated pornography is source of sexual dissatisfaction and consequently divorce amongst couples. Here to fore, couples generally enjoyed self fulfilling unions. In addition, divorce rate amongst couples was much lower in comparism to contemporary times. The porn industry is a multi-billion dollar industry and as such several individuals in the western world especially; will support and propagate the message of pornography with every mechanism and machinery available, but “Pornographic activities have severely damaged social style, polluted the social environment and harmed the physical and psychological health of young people”. (Chinese health official). Therefore for the sake of posterity; psychological, emotional and social health of individuals should be prioritized at the expense of economic benefits.

Pornographic activities have been rampant online in recent years. The internet has been a very effective tool for paedophiles and sexual offenders. They now seek victims in chat rooms. The internet is presently the greatest propagator of pornography.

In African countries, especially in countries without laid down laws that counters and prohibits pornography, CD’s and DVD is a great source of pornography. It is also known that most of these CD’s and DVD’s are pirated. About 98% of these materials originate from the west (Europe and America). Since it’s quite easy for the pirates to reproduce these explicit materials and since enforcement is non-existent, these materials have been highly proliferated. As a result, the consequences as earlier stated are becoming rampant in proportion to the rate of spread. The increase in rates of HIV and pregnancy amongst children in some African countries is attributable to pornography.

Perceiving pornography as a normal pastime is visceral and immature; therefore the war against pornography should start within our minds. Some soul searching could expose the moral and ethical erosion of the mind which is a consequence of addiction to pornography. Getting over this addiction requires maturity and virtuousness of the mind. People of high virtue can easily overcome the urge for pornography.

Better still, the Governments of Africa can play a major role in the war against pornography, The Chinese government has made commendable efforts against pornography, the Gulf States too continue to wage war against pornography. Their efforts are commendable. Even the U.S government is waging war against child pornography. African countries should not follow on in this case; they should move ahead and teach the world the truth about pornography.

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Between the man and 50 cents lies a brick wall; ideologically. This T-shaped wall separates sapiens into three groups. The first group is a group of the sincere; the second group is a group of the hypocrites while the third group is a group of pretenders. Fifty falls into the last group, while the man represents the first group. Nevertheless, I’ve been a fan of fifty cos he exudes stunning rhythms. Though, some of his videos, could be babylonic; I’ve managed to dog on as a fan ever since.
However, fifty got to the edge recently just cos I desired to know more about “Before I self destruct”. As a registered fan, I logged into the site, but as I was scrolling down, I was surprised at what I saw because I’ve visited the site before. A lady was just showing off her arse as I browsed through. Then I tripped, but subsequently, I felt sorry for the lil’bitch; though nowadays, every lil’bitch wanna show off their arse on the web. Well, if it’s envogue for lil’bitches, fools like fifty, should hold themselves and be responsible and sane too.
Fifty’s such a pretender. Even though he’s endowed with a welcoming and sonorous voice which ought to have been a gospel voice, this motherfucker’s busy talking trash and sheet. What a mess; fifty, that’s not your real life; you’re pretending.
Fifty’ve got to be himself, no matter the environmental influences and external effects. Fifty ‘ve got to show us his real self. Fifty got to show us his sane, peaceful, God-loving and responsible self. People like me are tired of fifty’s lies and concoctions.
Fifty ‘ve got to know that drug dealing, fucking women and lying is not all he’s good at !!!.